Automate rewards with Zapier

Trigger global payouts from thousands of apps — and pay face value.

Zapier illustration showing interconnected apps and services

Tremendous is the simplest way to send rewards and payouts

Global, fast, free — and now, even easier to automate.

Built for speed and volume

Built for speed and volume

Send a bunch at once, or as needed.

Your choice or theirs

Your choice or theirs

Send a specific card or offer 2,000+ options.

Send to over 200 countries

Send to over 200 countries

Useful to just about anyone, just about anywhere.

All for free. Yes, really

All for free. Yes, really

Spend what you send. No minimums or subscriptions.

Automation. For money.

Zapier makes sending Tremendous rewards easier than ever.

Connect to apps you
already use

Connect to apps you
already use

Choose from thousands of popular apps, including Salesforce, HubSpot, and many more.

Save time with

Save time with

Automatically tell us how much to send, and to whom. We take it from there, instantly.

Do it all without

Do it all without

No need to bug your developer — setting up is non-technical and straightforward.


Thousands of ways to automatically trigger a reward

Get started quicker with our pre-made workflows:

Zapier automates, Tremendous handles the rest

Frictionless redemption

Frictionless redemption

Recipients can choose and claim their reward in just a few clicks.

Instant delivery

Instant delivery

No matter the quantity, rewards are delivered immediately.

Seamlessly global

Seamlessly global

Reward options auto-adapt to your participants' locations and currencies.

Pro-level administration

Pro-level administration

Subteams, W9 collection, audits, reports, and more.

Ease-of-mind reviews

Ease-of-mind reviews

Optional order approvals to check rewards before they're sent out.

Responsive support

Responsive support

For both you and participants. We’re a 4.8 on G2 and Trustpilot.

Gift Card

Need a more custom integration?

Our straightforward API makes it easy to integrate Tremendous into your workflow within hours.

See API docs
Tremendous APIstars